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Bass Gold
26 October, 2023
Workers at the Ushshoky mine were honored with commendation letters in celebration of the Republic Day
As part of the Republic Day celebration in Kazakhstan on October 25, employees at the Ushshoky mine received commendation letters from BASS Gold, as reported by the Holding's PR department. The company's management and employees honored production leaders who have worked at the mine for over 5 years. In total, 17 individuals received commendation letters. We sincerely congratulate our employees and wish them robust health, success in their work, and prosperity! Abishev Esen Kabulovich Azhmagambetov Bakhtiyar Bagdatovich Alibaeva Galiya Gabdulkhairovna Amanbaev Sarsebai Atapin Yevgeniy Pavlovich Ashirmetov Furkat Khalbaevich Abdulmanap Daule Abdulaharpuly Baedilov Berik Kuzbakovich Beitbaev Erzhan Orynbasarovich Bekzhanov Aslan Rakhmatullayevich Glinoshkurov Alexander Nikolaevich Koyapov Sansizbay Toregeldiyevich Kulambaev Abdulmanap Tasbolatovich Motovilov Yuriy Alexandrovich Musabayev Manas Erkinovich Musataev Baglan Zhanibekuly Tulepbergenov Erlan Kambekovich